Yoga & Health

The fast pace of everyday life and a hectic lifestyle bring the defences of the human organism on high turf. We are kept in flight-or-fight-response for long duration of times and we feel stressed out. Stress is one of the leading causes of illness in modern times. Perpetual and prolonged stress load ultimately affects the normal functioning of various systems in the body.

Modern medicine has shown it’s excellence in offering solutions for contagious, infectious and congenital diseases as well as in saving lives in emergencies and accidents. However, the alarming numbers of chronic diseases, psychosomatic and psychological problems worldwide are depicting a major challenge for the modern medical system. It is here, that yoga is making a vital contribution to the cure and well being of human beings.

Yogic techniques have been used to alleviate and eliminate chronic conditions since ancient times. Practising Yoga brings balance to physical and mental processes. By supporting the body-mind complex on its way to recovery health is being enhanced.

Research on yoga therapy and its application is well established. There is a large body of scientific studies that have shown the positive impact on prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of ailments through yoga therapy.

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